Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rachel Jackson Look-Alike

Kalia wrote a report on Andrew Jackson some time ago. She researched and organized her information for many hours before finishing the report. Most of the time, the parents get stuck with writing the report, but not in this case -- Kalia did it all by herself! Kalia recieved a B for her final grade on Andrew Jackson, and I am very impressed. All of the 5th grade students were expected to report on a President of the United States. As part of the report, the students lined the school's main hallway and displayed their reports. They were encouraged to dress up as the President or first lady about whom they wrote.

Kalia dressed up to immitate Rachel Donelson Robards, 1st lady of

the U.S. President Andrew Jackson

1 comment:

Heather said...

Kalia looks too cute here--I hope Matt owns a shot gun.