Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Little Lily

Could it be true? We lost our baby kitten Lily Lou the other day, and I don't mean she ran away from home. We had a tragic accident that suddenly took her life. Little Lily Lou experienced trauma to her head. I was talking to my mom when Susie and Kalia noticed blood coming from Lily's nose. My mom insisted I rush her to the animal hospital because she would need to be put to sleep. Since Matt was on his way to Scottsdale for an appointment, the kids and I all went together.
Lily and I have bonded so much during the past two weeks, and I couldn't even imagine losing her. The vet suggested Lily had a 50-60% chance of survival, but didn't know what her mental capacity would be. I knew it would be best to let her pass on. The Vet came into the room with my children and me to inject the death meds. as we witnessed her last breath. We couldn't help but to let loose our emotions. We were saddened by this experienced, but have grown strong. It will definitely be a while before we consider another Lily. Good-Bye, Lily -- we will miss you!

1 comment:

C and T Orvin said...

We were so sorry to hear about baby Lily Lou. We don't even know really what to say except that she was a beautiful little kitten and we know that you loved her very for that we wanted to give you a great BIG HUG!!!